Texas Instruments

Quad UA T with 64-Byte FIFO 64-LQFP -40 to 85

Parts in family

Technical Specifications

Lead Free Status Yes
ROHS Compliance Compliant
Approx. Price (US$) 6.00 1ku
Baud ate (max) at Vcc = 1.8V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) 1
Baud ate (max) at Vcc = 2.5V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) 1.5
Baud ate (max) at Vcc = 3.3V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) 2
Baud ate (max) at Vcc = 5.0V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) 3
CPU Interface X86
Estimated Package Size (WxL)(mm2) [pf]64LQFP[/pf]
FIFOs(bytes) 64
Number of Channels(#) 4
Operating Temperature ange(C) -40 to 85,0 to 70
Operating Voltage(V) 1.8,2.5,3.3,5
Package Group LQFP
Special Features Auto TS/CTS
Tx / x FIFO INT Trig Prog. / Prog.
ating Catalog