Texas Instruments

150-mW Stereo Headphone Audio Amplifier, Pin Compatible with LM4880 and LM4881 8-SOIC -40 to 85

Parts in family

Technical Specifications

Lead Free Status Yes
ROHS Compliance Compliant
Approx. Price (US$) 0.35 1ku
Estimated Package Size (WxL)(mm2) [pf]8MSOP-PowerPAD[/pf]
Half Power THD + N @ 1 kHz (%)(kHz) 0.25
Headphone Channels Stereo
ISD(uA) 1
Load(Min)(ohms) 8
Operating Temperature ange(C) -40 to 85
Output Power(W) 0.15
PS (dB) 83
Package Group MSOP-PowerPAD,SOIC
Supply Max(Max)(Volt) 5.5
Supply Min(Min)(Volt) 2.5
ating Catalog