Texas Instruments LMR33630BQRNXTQ1


Texas Instruments LMR33630BQRNXRQ1

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Maxim Integrated MAX16936RAUEA/V+


Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) MP4423HGQ-Z

RoHS Y Y Y Y Yes Compliant
Lead Status Y Y Y Y Yes Yes
Iq(Typ)(mA) 0.024 0.024
Vout(Max)(V) 34 34
Duty cycle(Max)(%) 98 98
Vin(Max)(V) 36 36
Package Group VQFN-HR|12 VQFN-HR|12
Control mode Current Mode Current Mode current mode current mode
Rating Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive
Approx. price(US$) 1.91 | 1ku 1.91 | 1ku .925 | 1ku .925 | 1ku
Switching frequency(Min)(kHz) 400 400
Type Converter Converter Converter Converter
Vout(Min)(V) 1 1
Vin(Min)(V) 3.8 3.8
Regulated outputs(#) 1 1 1 1
Package size mm2 mm2
Iout(Max)(A) 3 3
Features Enable,Light Load Efficiency,Over Current Protection,Power Good,Synchronous Rectification,Wettable Flanks Package,Soft Start Fixed Enable,Light Load Efficiency,Over Current Protection,Power Good,Synchronous Rectification,Wettable Flanks Package,Soft Start Fixed Enable,Light Load Efficiency,Over Current Protection,Power good,Soft Start Fixed,Synchronous Rectification,Wettable flanks package Enable,Light Load Efficiency,Over Current Protection,Power good,Soft Start Fixed,Synchronous Rectification,Wettable flanks package
Operating temperature range(C) -40 to 125 -40 to 125 -40 -40
Switching frequency(Max)(kHz) 2100 2100
Duty cycle(max)(%) 98 98
EMI features Low parasitic Hotrod packaging Low parasitic Hotrod packaging
Iout(max)(A) 3 3
Iq(typ)(mA) 0.024 0.024
Maximum package height(mm) 0.9 0.9
Package area(mm^2) 6 6
Package size (L x W)(mm) 3 x 2 3 x 2
Package type VQFN-HR VQFN-HR
Pin count 12.0 12.0
Switching frequency(max)(kHz) 2100 2100
Switching frequency(min)(kHz) 400 400
TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Functional Safety-Capable
Vin(max)(V) 36 36
Vin(min)(V) 3.8 3.8
Vout(max)(V) 34 34
Vout(min)(V) 1 1
TI.com inventory 2400 4155